Q: Borrowing a line from talk radio, I’m a first-time writer, longtime reader. I was finally motivated to write because of all the complaints about trash on the road.

I have an idea for addressing this that I’m putting out to the brilliant entrepreneurs in this area. Why doesn’t someone create an army of drones to pick up trash on the roadways?  Even if drones today can’t carry heavy payloads, if they could pick up the lighter trash and cart it away to trash stations, it would be an improvement.

May Gee, San Jose

A: Desperate times call for creative measures. Now let’s come back to earth.

Q: Everything others have written about litter is true. But the answer can’t be on the “pick it up after it’s there” side of the equation. The focus has to be on preventing litter.

We can’t afford enough traffic officers to monitor roads 24/7, but we could afford enough cameras. And every CHP and local patrol officer should have to spend one hour of every shift picking up trash. Oh, I can hear the outcry, but if they had to pick it up, you can bet they would start to take enforcement much more seriously.

Bill Fisher, Cupertino

A: Cameras have been tested on Monterey Road, but with limited success. And I doubt we want CHP officers picking up cigarette butts and empty soda cups off Highway 101.

Q: Gary, just read your article on road trash, especially the one about other states and how clean they are. A simple letter to other state highway departments asking how they keep roads so clean would be in order. But wait, that would probably require a committee to be formed. And they would hire a consultant to draft the letter. All of which would probably cost a couple million and take two years. Never mind, it was a good idea, though.

Bernie Glienke, San Jose

A: Just $2 million?

Q: Yes, it is embarrassing that we have so little pride in our surroundings that we throw trash out the window, we don’t cover our loads, or think the wind won’t pull rubbish from the back of pickup trucks. Caltrans could spend time picking up after slobs, or repair potholes and improve roads. We all need to look in the mirror and ask if we’re part of the problem or part of the solution. If we prevent trash, we won’t have to spend money picking it up. The message needs to get pushed out to “Keep California Clean.” Appeal to each resident to take pride in our beautiful state. That worked with the “Don’t Mess with Texas“ campaign. Perhaps we can make it work here.

Cathy Switzer, Sunnyvale

A: Don’t mess with the Golden State.

Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com.